In an era defined by collaboration and innovation, the I-SEAMORE project took a significant step forward by organising its first Synergy Workshop on the 12th of January. The virtual gathering, conducted via Zoom, brought together 49 participants keen on fostering synergies among various projects. The event commenced with a warm welcome by F6S, the Dissemination & Communication leader of the I-SEAMORE project, and Eviden, the I-SEAMORE Project Coordinator, setting the stage for an insightful exploration of cutting-edge projects.
The workshop showcased four main projects, each providing a overview of its objectives and technical solutions:
- I-SEAMORE – Presented by Ricard Munne, from Eviden.
- Flexi-Cross – Giuseppe Vella, from Engineering-Ingegneria Informatica Spa.
- ODYSSEUS – Monica Florea, from SIMAVI.
- PROMENADE – Giovanni D’Ottavio, from REMEDIA Group.
Additionally, the workshop featured a brief introduction of the BAG-INTEL project, presented by its coordinator, and also counted with the participation of a representative from the NESTOR project.
The workshop’s second segment comprised three parallel sessions held in breakout rooms, each dedicated to vital aspects where synergies among projects could be explored:
- Technologies – With a focus on AI, big data, and Copernicus Services and Data, participants identified potential intersections for future collaborations;
- Communication & Exploitation – Discussion centred on joint communication activities, such as newsletters and social media campaigns, to enhance the collective impact of the projects;
- Ethics – Participants delved into ethical considerations associated with various technical solutions, including AI and big data.
Moderated by key partners from the I-SEAMORE project, the parallel sessions ensured in-depth discussions and the identification of common ground. The moderators for each session were:
- Technologies – Moderated by Jose-Ramon Martinez-Salio of Eviden;
- Communication & Exploitation – Moderated by Admira Boshnyaku, of F6S, and Wolfgang Kniejski, from INI;
- Legal & Ethical Considerations – Moderated by Marina Andeva and Olivia Ferrari from ISIG.
The workshop concluded with the consolidation of outcomes and main conclusions from each working group. Moderators gathered valuable insights, discussions, and potential collaboration points, setting the stage for the practical implementation of the workshop’s results.
All sister projects are looking forward to actively incorporate the lessons learnt from this inaugural synergy workshop organised by the I-SEAMORE project. Therefore, we invite you to stay tuned for new announcements and follow the progress of I-SEAMORE and its sister projects. The synergy workshop marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards a more interconnected and sustainable future.
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