I-SEAMORE Project held a  successful 2nd General Assembly Meeting in Toulon

The I-SEAMORE project reached a significant milestone with the successful conclusion of its second General Assembly Meeting, held on the 3rd and 4th of April, 2024, at the EXAIL premises in Toulon, France. The meeting brought together the entire consortium for two days of fruitful discussions and planning. This gathering marked a crucial moment for the project, as it occurred at the midpoint of the project’s timeline, set to end in June 2025.

The primary objectives of the General Assembly Meeting reflected the diverse aspects of the project’s development:

  • Report progress and address challenges: consortium members reported on the progress made within the project thus far and engaged in discussions to address existing and anticipated challenges;
  • Set next steps: deliberations focused on setting the course for the next phase of the project, outlining detailed action plans for the upcoming six months;
  • Preparation for testing and demonstration activities: anticipating the need for testing and demonstration activities, technical partners discussed and planned for necessary preparations;
  • First review report preparation: efforts were directed towards preparing for the first review report, ensuring comprehensive documentation and analysis;
  • Coordination and administration: updates on coordination and administrative matters were provided, along with necessary actions to streamline processes and ensure effective project management.

Consortium members actively participated in workshop activities focused on progress in preparing towards implementation and use case demonstrations. The sessions facilitated in-depth discussions and brainstorming to address critical aspects of the project.

The second day featured a workshop dedicated to intellectual property (IP) mapping and commercialization strategies. This session provided insights into maximizing the project’s impact through effective IP management and commercialization avenues.

One of the highlights of the General Assembly Meeting was the active participation of all partners. Engaging discussions, collaborative problem-solving, and knowledge exchange were evident throughout the two-day event. Consortium members’ diverse expertise and perspectives enriched the discussions and contributed to robust planning for the project’s future phases. 

As the I-SEAMORE project progresses towards its conclusion in 2025, the outcomes of the second General Assembly Meeting serve as a foundation for continued collaboration and progress. With a clear roadmap in place and a shared commitment to excellence, the consortium remains together to achieve its objectives and deliver impactful results in the realm of maritime surveillance and operations.